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Writer's pictureStudio la Linea Verticale

Alberto Colliva - Signs of life

You notice how low my mind flies

It's the fault of associative thoughts

If I can't be here now.

[Franco Battiato, Signs of Life].

Alberto Colliva (Castel d'Argile, 1943 - Bologna, 2023) focuses, in this series of works, on the head. In opposition to Battiato's words, in his pictorial exercise the artist concentrates all his efforts to keep attention active. Through repeated effort in the self-portrait and the representation of his own head, he manages to maintain presence by defeating entropy.

Alberto Colliva (Castel d'Argile, 1943 - Bologna, 2023). His career began in the mid-1960s, but it was from the 1980s that he introduced a substantially new element into his canvases: the human figure. In the artist's pictorial world, violent lights connected to refined, scornful and intimist chromatics dominate. His painting brings Hell and Heaven, demonic and divine, fear and courage closer together.

Beginning in 1962 he exhibited in various group shows of national importance. Personal exhibitions include those held at the Bologna galleries Duemila (1963), Il Cancello arte d'oggi (1966, 1968, 1972, 1974) and Forni (1976, 1978). To these are added two solo shows held respectively at Galleria Correggio in Parma in 1973 and L'incontro gallery in Imola in 1979. The retrospective at the Teatro Comunale di Castello d'Argile curated by Dario Trento dates back to 1996. Critics who have dealt with his work include Pier Giovanni Castagnoli, Roberto Tassi and Pasquale Fameli.




1. Untitled, 1989, oil on canvas, 40x35 cm each.

2. Untitled, 1992-93, oil on canvas, 65x56 cm.

3. Untitled, 1994, oil on canvas, 35x30 cm each.





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Solo exhibition planned for September 2023


Segnali di Vita - Liberamente ispirata alla spiritualità di Franco Battiato, è la mostra che dal 22 Luglio al 27 Agosto Studio la Linea Verticale presenta in Sicilia. La Cooperativa Etica Oqdany accoglierà la galleria come tappa dell’itinerario del Museo Diffuso del centro storico di Noto (SR). Il temporary space si svilupperà all’interno del suggestivo scenario della Chiesa di Montevergini, dove nella Sacrestia e sale ad essa attigue presentiamo cinque artisti esposti nella nostra sede di Bologna in questo primo anno di attività, ovvero Alberto Colliva, Francesca Dondoglio, Vale Palmi, Navid Azimi Sajadi e Claudio Valerio.

La mostra nasce dall’idea di omaggiare un grande cantautore siciliano, Franco Battiato, che ha dedicato la vita e l'arte al lavoro sulla propria coscienza e al quale la galleria deve il suo nome: La linea orizzontale ci spinge verso la materia, quella verticale verso lo spirito (Inneres Auge, 2009). More...

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