Alessandra Maio
Maria Chiara Wang
Virtati l'ha nel foho
On the occasion of Open Tour 2023 and the exhibition "Virtati l'ha nel Foho," a bi-personal dialogue between young artists from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, Giuseppe Francalanza and Jacopo Risaliti, Studio la Linea Verticale gallery presents the third installment of the Link Room - Office Project Space. The office spaces transform into a project space to showcase the works of Alessandra Maio, a former student of Ababo, in a dialogue focused on chromatics and a shared smoky atmosphere, as well as on the artistic background of the artists. For this occasion, the accompanying text for the exhibition is written by Maria Chiara Wang. "I am trying not to lose myself I don't want to get lost in this confusion of ideas I get lost in the fog of my thoughts Sometimes I confuse dreams with memories Dreams have no boundaries Without boundaries to overcome, I don't know where to go Sometimes confusion helps to understand oneself Today I don't want to think about anything I don't feel like thinking about anything I don't want to think about it anymore I don't want to think about it anymore I don't feel like thinking about anything else I can't think about anything else" Reading the titles of Alessandra Maio's works in succession is like guiding the gaze through the verses of a lyric from the deepest self, a self torn between the fear and desire to lose oneself in one's own thoughts, to let oneself go with their flow, and to surrender to the infinite space of dreams. The intimate portrait of a restless state of mind in search of its own balance, direction, and horizon emerges. One can perceive the effort, sometimes the breathlessness, of the labor of a consciousness that expends all its energies in the pursuit of tranquility, between escapes and returns without intermediate stops, between emotion and reason. The artist exposes herself through a writing that, in the repetition of the controlled gesture, seeks an exit from a labyrinth of contradictory ideas, a faithful mirror of the complexities of the human mind that moves between will, intuitions, sensations, and memories. "Lost and found, moment after moment (...) you have to create a rhythm between losing yourself and finding yourself: life is music, and music can exist only if these two things alternate, otherwise it would be monotonous." [Osho, Discourses, 1953/90] Maria Chiara Wang
Link Room - Office Project Space is a project that leverages office space to create a dynamic and ever-changing environment. It is a small project space designed to engage with the ongoing exhibitions that, from time to time, animate the gallery spaces. A link, as the name suggests, capable of always offering a different interpretative key. Link Room - Office Project Space utilizes office spaces, adapted each time, to provide a corresponding, albeit altered, interpretation of the ongoing exhibition. It is born with the aim of deepening the understanding of artists operating in Bologna, whose production, or part of it, may align with the gallery's research and engage directly with the exhibitions filling the venue spaces. The research does not only focus on local artists but aims to expand to national and international artists who can engage with the project.
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