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The research of Studio la Linea Verticale focuses on those artists who do not look at the ordinariness of everyday life, often identified with horizontality, but seek to elevate their spirit through anti-ordinary or, precisely, vertical themes. The fundamental questions that accompany humanity from its earliest conscious steps on the planet are thus investigated, studied, and mediated through art. They are substantial and sensitive personalities whose art rejects the superficial and vague trends that expand around them, radicalizing with a deviation on a line of thought tending towards the ineffable. Abandoning horizontality, the alienating illusion of ordinary life, they strive to descend and ascend the pole, probing depths so obscure as to become blinding heights and vice versa, in an infinite reversal where every reality is dual.


The anti-ordinariness at the core of Linea Verticale is often addressed by artists who don't make it the sole reason for their exploration but frequently tend to engage with the themes associated with it. The bidirectional exploration, both upward and downward, probing verticality in its possible directions, leaves no room for misunderstanding: a radical detachment from the horizontality of ordinary life is necessary to attempt to observe the verticality of the extraordinary. Traveling from the profound to the elevated and vice versa, using an artistic practice-based method, the gallery consistently encourages visitors to reflect on questions that have accompanied humanity throughout its history, often forgotten today: Where do I come from? Who am I? Where am I going?


The research of Studio la Linea Verticale gallery doesn't exclusively concern the present but often creates dialogues between the past and the contemporary. In the span of time, we have had the opportunity to exhibit Vettor Pisani and Joseph Beuys. In fact, the interest in the vertical line in historicized artists has been present in our research since the first exhibition when we presented the book, Ed. Pendragon, "L'Aldilà è un Angolo Stretto. Oltre la Morte nell'arte contemporanea," written by the gallery's artistic director, Vale Palmi. The research is still ongoing, but through collaboration with public or private collections and other galleries, we aim to focus attention and exhibit in dialogue with contemporary artists some masters of verticality, such as Gino De Dominicis, Bill Viola, Roman Opalka, Yves Kline, Michele Zaza, Anselm Kiefer, Anish Kapoor... and the research continues.


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