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Monica Mazzone (Milan, 1984). The artist's research is a study on the idea of being able to visually perceive and express the obsession for perfection, proposing geometry as the guiding principle of the creative act. The intent is to visually convey the logical relationships underlying the work in order to rationalize one's emotions and make them communicable, in the secret ambition of creating a universal visual language. These numerical and mental places are translated into "Image-Object," a category according to which he works with paintings, drawings or sculptures, combining two- and three-dimensionality together, as a visual support of numerical supposition, the fundamental principle of each work. The artist applies mathematical and geometric rules to determine continuous forms that incorporate within themselves their elaborative power, becoming transcripts of a conceptual process that materializes in the description of a hypothetical but plausible otherworldly dimension.


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MONICA MAZZONE (1984) is a visual artist, lives and works between Milan and New York. EDUCATION 2005 – 2010 Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, Milan, Visual Arts – Painting (MA and BA Degree) 2011 Istituto Europeo di Design (IED), Milan, Management Cultural Events (Specialization Course) ​SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2022, Secret Passage, Manuel Zoia Gallery, Milan, critic text by Domenico de Chirico 2022, Spaccacuore, in collaboration with Mattia Barbieri, Spazio Contemporanea, Brescia, critic text by Luigi Presicce, curated by Gloria Pasotti 2021, Space Hurts, NARS Foundation, Brooklyn – New York 2021, Le buone Intenzioni, Manuel Zoia Gallery, Verona, critic text by Cristina Cuttica 2019, Non appena fuori di me, Navile Contemporary Art Museum, Bologna 2019, Regular Dreams, in collaboration with Marta Ravasi, la rada, Locarno, curated by Valentina Negri 2018,VERSIONI STANDARD, in collaboration with Mattia Barbieri, Mars, Milan 2018, ZZ, in collaboration with Aldo Mozzini, Riss(e), Varese, curated by Ermanno Cristini, critic text by Rossella Moratto 2016, L’intenzione di una retta, Studio Maraniello, Milan, curated by Rossella Moratto 2014, The Perfect Universe, Merkur Gallery, Istanbul, curated by Sabiha Kurtulmus 2009, …Per un quasi infinito, Formentini Gallery – Nuovo CIB -, Milan, curated by Diego Esposito and Matteo Fontana 2008, Arte al Centro, Cultural Center “La Chiocciola”, Rivolta d’Adda ​SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2022, Il Grande Brivido, Palazzo Doria, Borgomaro, curated by Anna Angelica Ainio 2022,Parallel Lifeforms, Jumbo Group, Milan, curated by Alberto Zanchetta and Thanos Zakopoulos 2020, Noccioline, Casa al mare, Yellow, Tortoreto, curated by Davide Serpetti 2020, Guiding Principles, NARS Foundation, New York, curated by Elisa Gutiérrez 2020, Gardenship Art House Drive-In, Gardenship Art Residency, Kearny, NJ, curated by Wavelength – Gianluca Bianchino and Jeanne Brasile 2020, Pandemic Projection, Night #7, Singac, New Jersey, curated by Wavelength – Gianluca Bianchino and Jeanne Brasile 2019, Making Time, Index Art Center, Newark, curated by Wavelength – Gianluca Bianchino e Jeanne Brasile 2019, Venire per avere / Come to have, Arcos – Sannio Contemporary Art Museum, curate by Bustos Domenech 2018, Borderwalls, The Border, New York, curated by Jamie Martinez 2018, Fluid Currency, NARS Foundation, New York, curated by Adele Eisenstein 2018, 1000 Eventi, Galleria Giuseppe Pero, Milan 2018, Darsi, Palazzo Lombardia, Milan, curated by Bustos Domenech 2017, In accumulo o in sospeso ma in equilibrio #2, Bandera Art Foundation, Busto Arsizio, curated by Rossella Moratto 2017, 906090, Giuseppe Pero Gallery, Milan, curated by Nicoletta Castellaneta and Giuseppe Pero 2017, Estetica Matematica, Villa Contemporanea, Monza, curated by Leda Lunghi 2017, Studio Freud|Studi Festival#3, B&G Studio, Milan, curated by Fabio Carnaghi 2017, Rosso Freddo|Studi Festival#3, via Piranesi 25, Milan, curated by Monica Mazzone and Mattia Barbieri 2016, No Place3, Suzzara Prize Gallery, Suzzara, curated by Umberto Cavenago and Ermanno Cristini 2016, Palomar, Dimora Artica, Milan, curated by Patrizia Emma Scialpi 2016, Soprasotto, Ex Bottegone Supermarket, Sesto Calende, curated by Ermanno Cristini and Luca Scarabelli, critic text by Rossella Moratto 2016, Empatema|Studi Festival #2, Studio AlbertoAperto, Milan, curated by Alberto Mugnaini, Corrado Levi, Yari Miele 2016, Oblequeness|Studi Festival#2, via Piranesi 25, Milan, curated by Monica Mazzone and Mattia Barbieri 2016, No Place2, Fombio Castle, Fombio, curated by Umberto Cavenago and Ermanno Cristini 2015, Vasi Comunicanti, MIDeC (International Museum of Ceramic Design), Laveno, curated by Lorenza Boisi 2015, Trailer, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, curated by Città Ideale 2015, Pomerium, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, curated by Laura Vittoria Cherchi 2015, Agostino, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, curated by Mattia Barbieri and Monica Mazzone 2015, They hung a picture over the fireplace, via Piranesi 25, Milan, curated by Mattia Barbieri and Monica Mazzone 2015, Vetrina di Studi/01, Soap, Milan, curated by Soap Gallery 2015, Les Sublimes, Arthur Cravan Foundation, Milan, curated by Cose Cosmiche (Helga Franza and Silvia Hell) 2014, Red Letter Home Edition, Palazzo Isimbardi, Milan, curated by Mattia Barbieri 2014, Extradelicato 2, Studio Corfone, Milan, curated by Claudio Corfone 2013, Ira Tra I Tartari, Satzyor Gallery, Budapest, curated by Dorka Kaposi 2013, Tomorrow is now!, Galleria Cart, Monza, curated by David Glanton and Giorgio Viganò 2012, Extradelicato, Studio Corfone, Milan, curated by Claudio Corfone 2010, Creatività e Sostenibilità, Spazio Thetis, Arsenale, Venice, curated by F. De Filippi, A. Occhipinti, R. Semprini, A. Grandesso 2008, Pangea, Palazzo Re, Giulianova, curated by Diego Esposito 2008, Pazzi per l’Arte, Conservatory of Milan – Verdi Hall Foyer, Milan, curated by Cristina Muccioli 2005, Jesus, where is the sugar?, ex San Carpoforo Church, Milan, curated by Diego Esposito ​AWARDS 2017, Cairo Prize, Palazzo Reale, Milano (finalist) 2016, Combat Prize, G. Fattori Museum, Livorno (special honor mention) 2012, Premio Lissone, Contemporary Art Museum, Lissone, curated by Alberto Zanchetta (shortlisted) 2009, PNA (Premio Nazionale della Arti/National Arts Award), Le Ciminiere, Catania (shortlisted) 2008, Salon Primo, ex San Carpoforo Church, Milan (shortlisted) ​RESIDENCES 2022, Landina, Omegna, curated by Lorenza Boisi 2020, MASS MoCA, North Adams – MA 2019, Lac o le Mon Foundation, curated by Luigi Presicce e Davide Serpetti 2018, NARS Foundation, Brooklyn – New York 2014, Run/Spazioperartistidipassaggio, Lerici, curated by Jaya Cozzani ​INTERSHIP PROGRAM 2012, April-May, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice CURATORIAL PROJECTS 2017, Rosso Freddo| Studi Festival#3, via Piranesi 25, Milan 2016, Oblequeness, via Piranesi 25, Milan 2015, ANTONIO & ANTONIO, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan 2015, Agostino, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan 2015, They hung a picture over the fireplace, via Piranesi 25, Milan ​MASTERCLASS FOR PUBLIC ART WORK 2019, Ecoismi, Borromeo Island, Cassano d’Adda, curated by Ylbert Durishti and Grazia Varisco ​WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES 2018, Monica Mazzone – The emotional geometry, IUFFP, University Federal Institute, Lugano, Switzerland 2018, Art and Math, IUFFP, University Federal Institute, Lugano, Switzerland 2017, Art and Math, CSIA, Centre for the Artistic Industry, Lugano, Switzerland ​SPECIAL PROJECTS Active member of the editorial staff of the art magazine “E IL TOPO” ( Collaboration with the art association Progetto Città Ideale for EXPO 2015 ( Collaboration with the contemporary art network Undo.Net / FRUIT SOUP art column ( THE FAIRWAY, traveling project in collaboration with Mattia Barbieri ( 2015, The Fairway, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, Italy 2015, Il Numero Mille, Wat Yai Chaya Mongkol, Ayutthaia,Thailand 2013-2014, Ikebana Layers, Suimoncho garden, Nara, Japan 2013, Flaggalf, Santa Maria di Leuca, Italy


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